DAX basics in a semantic model

Write calculations to group and analyze your data.

In this series, we provide tips for how to effectively build a semantic model (formerly a dataset) in Power BI or Analysis Services. In the previous article, we described how you validate model relationships, which are links between tables and the foundation of your business logic. Once you’ve created and validated your relationships, you should now have the foundation of your model ready so that you can proceed with the next step.

In this article, we describe this next step in making a semantic model, where you create calculations by writing DAX. You reference the tables, columns, and relationships you’ve added to the model in previous steps to define these calculations for reports. These calculations are what you use in report visuals or Excel pivot tables to analyze your data.

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the basics–when you write DAX, and how you can do this in Power BI Desktop, Tabular Editor or Microsoft Fabric.


There are many equally valid ways to build a semantic model that fits your data needs. This series presents one approach, sharing tips and good practices from our experience. See below for the other, published articles in this series:

What is DAX?

Data analysis expressions (DAX) is a functional and query programming language used in Power BI and other applications to analyse data. You write DAX expressions to define custom calculations or logic inside a model, and Power BI uses DAX queries to query the model from your report. DAX is how your visuals communicate with the semantic model to retrieve the data you need. The functional DAX you write are like instructions that tells the model which tables and columns to use, and what to do with them. When you write DAX, you reference tables, relationships, columns, and other calculations (measures), then use functions like SUM or AVERAGE to aggregate or filter data.


To search for a DAX function or if you want more information about how it works, use dax.guide. When you write DAX in Tabular Editor 3, tooltips for functions will also explain what they do, their syntax, and link to the relevant dax.guide documentation page(s).

Figure 1: In Tabular Editor, you can get information about functions as you write them, including function syntax, explanations, and links to documentation.

The following image shows the difference between a DAX expression and a DAX query. DAX queries are generated by Power BI to get data from a model, but advanced users might want to write DAX queries themselves for testing or validation purposes, or to automate certain tasks. We talk more about this in later articles of this series.

Figure 2: A DAX expression consists of one or more functions that provide instructions about how to aggregate different parts of your model. An example of a DAX expression is what you write in a measure. A DAX query (optionally) starts with a DEFINE section, where query-scoped measures or variables can be placed, before concluding with one or more EVALUATE sections, each specifying a DAX table expression that produces a table result. An example of a DAX query is what Power BI generates when you add columns and measures to a report visual.

The previous example can be understood as follows:

  • The first image shows a measure [Selling Margin (Value)]. It computes the sum of each row in the ‘Invoices’ table, subtracting the value in the ‘Invoices'[Net Invoice Cost] column from the value in the ‘Invoices'[Net Invoice Value] column. Since the selling margin should only be calculated for invoice documents (and not other document types), a CALCULATE function filters the result to only invoices by using the related ‘Invoice Document Type'[Invoice Type] column, which is a dimension table related to the ‘Invoices’ fact table. Measures are typically used in DAX queries, where they may produce different results based on which filters are currently active.
  • The second image shows a DAX query for invoice lines by month. The query defines the measure [Invoice Lines] (which thus only exists in the query), and uses it in the query (after EVALUATE) to compute the lines by month. A developer might periodically run a query like this to validate the model or underlying data. A query can also refer to measures defined inside the model.

DAX occurs throughout a Power BI solution. The following image depicts a basic overview of the different places where you might write DAX in Power BI models and reports.

Figure 3: DAX objects consist of DAX expressions and object properties, and they exist in (1) semantic models, (3) reports, and (4) report visuals, while (2) DAX queries retrieve data from a semantic model from reports, or when you write and execute these queries from various client tools.

DAX exists throughout Power BI

  1. Semantic model: You write DAX in a model to define measures that you evaluate on-the-fly, or calculated tables and columns evaluated on model refresh. DAX expressions are also used to define row-level security (RLS) rules, called table permissions. DAX is also used on more advanced model objects, such as calculation group items, dynamic format strings and detail rows.
  2. Queries: DAX queries are how Power BI retrieves model data to populate visuals for reports. You can also write queries yourself in Power BI Desktop and other tools like Tabular Editor, DAX Studio, and Fabric notebooks with Semantic Link.
  3. Report: You can write DAX measures in “thin” reports that are connected to a published semantic model. This is usually only done for measures specific to that report, and not calculations (which are better to put in the model).
  4. Visuals: You can write a special type of DAX called visual calculations in Power BI visuals. Visual calculations are not part of the model, and only use the data in that visual to produce the calculation result.

“DAX is simple, but it’s not easy”

DAX is a simple language in its syntax and structure, but it’s well-known that DAX is not easy to learn. DAX resembles the simplicity of the Excel formula language at first glance, but this can be deceiving, as it’s more sophisticated to be able to address more scenarios than you’d encounter in Excel. Since DAX relies on a data model instead of cell positions on a worksheet, authors have to “think using the data model”, which is challenging for a novice to data modelling. The following are typical concepts that an experienced developer takes for granted, but a new developer must learn through experience:

  • A model contains multiple tables that are connected by relationships.
  • Filters propagate along relationships in a direction from one table to another.
  • Attributes on the “One” side of a relationship chain can group values that are on the “Many” side.

An additional reason why DAX is challenging is because it operates differently from other programming languages. Some conventions in DAX are unique to DAX; it “thinks” in a unique way. This means that some developers with experience in other languages can apply conventions or practices that don’t work—or worse—they work but produce a suboptimal result.

  • A Python example: You shouldn’t use a “loop” in DAX, like you’d use a for loop or while loop in Python.
  • A SQL example: You shouldn’t perform conditional aggregation in DAX using IF/THEN, like you would with CASE/WHEN in SQL.

The following are additional examples of specific conventions or rules in DAX that are challenging to understand when you first start to write the DAX language.

  • You modify calculations by using functions such as CALCULATE or CALCULATETABLE. With these functions, you provide two different arguments, filters (which filter the result) and CALCULATE modifiers (which change the behaviour of how these functions work).
    • CALCULATE modifiers let you fine-tune the calculation result but require that you understand the intermediate result you’re modifying.
  • DAX is evaluated in a context that defines the result. There are two main contexts to know when you write DAX: a filter context and a row context.
Figure 4: Filter concept is an important concept to understand in DAX. The above image shows an example of filter context.
  • A filter context filters the data. Examples of filter context include:
    • When a filter or slicer is active in a report, or a user has applied filters in other ways like crossfiltering, drilldowns, or drillthroughs, and a DAX expression is evaluated in a visual of that report.
    • When a DAX expression is evaluated for a specific data point in a visual (like a category or combination of categories).
    • When a calculation provides a filter context as a CALCULATE argument (like ‘Date'[Month] = “January” ). This filter context overrides other filters on the referenced column, unless the KEEPFILTERS CALCULATE modifier is used.
Figure 5: Row context is different from filter context; a row context iterates a table, while a filter context filters calculations. Row context is also an important concept to understand.
  • A row context iterates tables. Examples of row context include:
    • When you evaluate a DAX expression in a calculated column. For example, if you evaluate ‘Invoices’[Sales] – ‘Invoices’[Cost] in the ‘Invoices’ table in a calculated column, it uses a row context for the ‘Invoices’ table to get a result for each row.
    • When you evaluate a DAX expression in an iterator function. For example, if you evaluate SUMX( ‘Invoices’, ‘Invoices’[Sales] – ‘Invoices’[Cost] ) in a DAX measure, it also uses the row context for the ‘Invoices’ table
  • The concept of context transition, which is when a row context is transformed into an equivalent filter context by using the CALCULATE function. Context transition can be a source of performance issues for many when they first start to write DAX.
Figure 6: Context transition is an advanced but important concept in DAX where a row context is transformed to a filter context. Context transition is important because it is often the source of performance issues, and is hard for new developers to debug if they don’t organize their DAX code using formatting and variables, and if they struggle to visualize intermediate evaluation results. In this example, if CALCULATE is not used, the context transition would not occur; the [@Sales] column would simply contain the [Total Quantity] result for all months, repeated for each row in the _SalesByMonth table, producing an incorrect result.


You can see intermediate evaluation results of your DAX expressions in Tabular Editor by using the DAX debugger. This is helpful both to learn and to troubleshoot DAX code. We explain the debugger in a later article.


When you write DAX in Tabular Editor 3, it will point out these special conventions for you. For example, a tooltip will tell you about calculate arguments, active contexts, and when context transition is happening. That way, you can focus on writing the DAX. You can toggle this tooltip to pop up wherever your cursor is by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar.

Figure 7: In Tabular Editor, DAX conventions like Row Context or Context Transition are highlighted as you write DAX, so that you can make informed decisions about how to adjust the code or understand what it will do.

Concepts like the above might sound intimidating, but don’t fear DAX; it’s very elegant and powerful. Despite what many LinkedIn influencers will tell you, you can benefit and get value from something without mastering it. For instance, in rare cases, you might not even need DAX in your semantic model.

Do I need to write DAX in my model?

You can create a model that has no DAX and use this data model to make a report. For instance, if you will only use the report to show data with descriptive attributes or unaggregated data, there’s no need to write any DAX. An example of this is a report for a product catalogue, or one designed to explore order documents by line item; raw transactions that aren’t summed together. However, reports like this are uncommon, since the benefit of Power BI reporting (and the VertiPaq engine that it uses) is to efficiently aggregate and visualize large, complex data.

You can also use implicit measures to analyse data without writing DAX.

Implicit measures

An implicit measure is what it’s called when you aggregate a numerical column in Power BI without writing any DAX. Instead, you add the column, and a default summarization is applied to group the data by a dimension. You can change this summarization from a set of default options. This is called implicit measure because behind the scenes, Power BI is creating the measure for you on-the-fly in the DAX query generated by the visual.

The following image depicts an example of an implicit measure Sum of Quantity from the Quantity column, grouped by the text column Category in the visual.

Figure 8: An example of an implicit measure. In this example, the quantity column (dotted box) is added to a bar chart x-axis (dashed box) which automatically summarizes as the Sum of Quantity. You can change the implicit measure aggregation from the right-click menu (box).

Implicit measures can be a good option for business users or people who are new to Power BI, particularly if they have no prior experience writing code. Additionally, even experienced developers might use implicit measures when doing a quick, ad hoc analysis (for instance when exploring data or analysing a short-lived model).

If you do plan to use implicit measures, consider the following points.

  • Set the “Default Summarization” property to the appropriate aggregation. Set it to None for columns that shouldn’t be aggregated, like ‘Orders’[Order Number].
  • Use display folders to organize numerical columns that can be aggregated away from other columns that cannot.
  • Set a column description to clarify which aggregations should be used.
  • Don’t use implicit measures if they aren’t going to provide a clear value. Particularly avoid using implicit measures of calculated columns, for instance, as a way of circumventing challenging DAX scenarios.

Implicit measures can be problematic and come with some caveats that you should be aware of.

  • Options are limited to only the most frequently used aggregations.
  • Since you can’t control the DAX, you have no ability to modify the calculation.
  • Calculations don’t appear in the fields list, which makes it harder for a developer to understand how the model is being used or achieve consistency across reports.
  • Adding calculation groups will discourage implicit measures in the model, meaning that users will be unable to create and use new implicit measures. Existing implicit measures in reports still work.

Explicit measures

While implicit measures have some valid use-cases, it’s generally preferred that you create explicit measures instead. Explicit measures are simply the DAX measures that you define yourself explicitly in the model (or in the connected “thin” report). The following example is the explicit measure version of the implicit measure from the previous image.

Figure 9: An example of an explicit measure. In this example, a measure (dotted box) is added to a bar chart x-axis (dashed box). The measure aggregates the Quantity column in DAX (solid box).


The only way to know what aggregations are used by an implicit measure is by checking each visual manually or inspecting the report metadata (the report.json in a PBIP or PBIX file, where this information is stored). This is also where you can find the expressions of Visual Calculations.

The following section describes more details about explicit DAX measures, and when you might use them instead of other DAX objects like calculated columns or tables.

Measures, Calculated Columns, and Calculated Tables

When you write DAX expressions, you do so in different object types: measures, calculated columns, or calculated tables.

Figure 10: The most common DAX objects are measures, calculated columns, and calculated tables.
  1. Measures: Contains the definition of an expression (in DAX) and properties (like description, display folder, and format). A measure is simply metadata, and it’s associated with a table for organizational purposes. A measure is only evaluated when it’s queried (directly or by another measure that references it). An example of a measure is a Sales Amount measure that computes the SUM of all sales.
  2. Calculated columns: Contains a definition of an expression (in DAX) and properties (like description, data type, and format), as well as the data result. This data result of a calculated column makes your model consume more memory. Calculated columns are created in a table and evaluate the DAX for each row of the table. They are only evaluated when refreshed. An example of a calculated column could be a flag that identifies new customers with sales in the current month, which you use in other calculations.
  3. Calculated tables: Like a calculated column but evaluated independently of any existing tables and columns aside from the ones referenced in its DAX expression. A calculated table produces a stand-alone result of one or more columns. Like a calculated column, it’s also only evaluated when refreshed. An example of a calculated table could be a date table that you create with the CALENDAR DAX function.


A common question asked by people new to DAX and Power BI is Should I make a measure or a calculated column? Generally, many new users prefer calculated columns because they compute a result and yield immediate feedback that you see in cells and tables (like Excel). In contrast, measures require that you think about the context in which that measure will be evaluated, and whether you need to modify that context in the calculation itself by using CALCULATE.

Use calculated columns in scenarios like the following:

  • You will use the computed result as an attribute to group other calculations. An example is when you want to show sales in bins for a histogram visual.
  • You will use the computed result to filter data. An example is when you want to dynamically “flag” certain transactions to filter out of another calculation or report.
  • Generally, if you do need a calculated column, you should consider the potential benefits of pushing the calculation upstream to Power Query or further to the data source. However, for some scenarios, calculated columns are a perfectly valid approach. Examples might be:
  • The tables are small, the calculations are simple, and you will add only a few.
  • The model is developed by a self-service user with limited knowledge in Power Query and no upstream source system (i.e. Power BI connects to Excel files on a SharePoint or OneDrive).
  • The calculation relies on other, dynamic data or attributes in the model.

Depending on the type of model you are making, you might not be able to create calculated columns or tables. If you have specific use-cases that require one of these objects, this might motivate your decision to use one storage mode or another.

The following figure gives an overview of which DAX objects you can create in the different semantic model storage modes available in Power BI, today.

Figure 11: Depending on the storage mode of your semantic model, you cannot create certain objects. Note that some storage modes apply to tables (Import, DirectQuery, and Hybrid) and can be combined in one model, whereas Direct Lake only supports tables that use Direct Lake storage mode. If you mix storage modes in one model, this is referred to as a composite model.

In summary, the following restrictions apply to some types of semantic models. Note that the storage mode is set per table, except for Direct Lake, which doesn’t support combining tables of different storage modes (the entire model uses Direct Lake storage mode).

  1. Import: Models that import the data in-memory are the default (and most common) storage mode. You can create any DAX objects in these models.
  2. DirectQuery: Models that connect directly to a supported data source, converting DAX queries on-the-fly to equivalent SQL queries. These models don’t support calculated columns or tables.
  3. Hybrid: Models that have a mix of storage modes or hybrid tables don’t allow calculated columns in DirectQuery or Hybrid tables in the model.
  4. Direct Lake: Models that connect to Delta tables in a Fabric Lakehouse or Data Warehouse don’t support calculated columns, and only support calculated tables if they don’t reference Direct Lake tables, or columns from these tables. Direct Lake is only available if you have a Fabric capacity, and if you have the data available in OneLake data items as Delta tables.


As part of this series, we’ll eventually write an article to help you understand and choose from the different storage modes available. However, this will only be once Direct Lake is generally available.

In Conclusion

DAX is a fundamental part of most semantic models. It is a simple and powerful language, though it does have a few complex concepts that require a theoretical understanding to use most effectively. You use either DAX expressions or queries with your semantic model in different parts of your Power BI solution. In the next article, we provide tips and guidance about how you can effectively write DAX in your Power BI semantic models.


If you want to learn more about DAX there are several books and video courses that you can take. The DAX courses from SQLBI are considered a standard, and a good place to start your learning.
Potential conflict of interest statement: The author of this series is professionally affiliated with SQLBI.com.


There are many equally valid ways to build a semantic model that fits your data needs. This series presents one approach, sharing tips and good practices from our experience. See below for the other, published articles in this series:

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